My Tasks - User Guide


My Tasks is a personal task manager that helps user keep track of their todo list, events and deadlines.

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your computer.
  2. Download the latest mytasks.jar here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for My Tasks.
  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds. My Tasks Page
  5. Type the command in the command box and press Send to execute it.
  6. Some example commands you can try:
    1. list: lists all tasks
    2. done 3: marks the third task on the list as done
    3. bye: exits the app
  7. Refer to Features for details of each command.


Command Format

1. Viewing help: help

Format: help

2. Adding task

2.1. Adding todo: todo

Adds a todo to the list of tasks
Format: todo TASK_NAME
Example: todo tutorial

2.2. Adding deadline: deadline

Adds a deadline to the list of tasks
Format: deadline TASK_NAME /by DATE
Example: deadline tutorial /by 02 Dec 2019 15:00

2.3. Adding event: event

Adds an event to the list of tasks
Format: event TASK_NAME /at DATE
Example: event meeting /at 13 Oct 2019 09:00

Note: DATE is in the format “dd MMM yyyy hh:mm”

3. Viewing all tasks: list

Shows the list of all tasks in My Tasks
Format: list `

4. Marking task as done: done

Marks the task with task number as in the list as done
Format: done TASK_NUMBER
Example: done 4 (marks the task number 4 as done)

5. Find task find

Find a task by searching using a keyword (can be in upper or lower case)
Format: find KEYWORD
Example: find tutorial (shows any task with they keyword “tutorial”)

6. Prioritise task priority

Prioritise the task with task number as in the list as high, medium or low
Example: priority 3 high (Marks task number 3 as high priority level)

7. Clear all tasks clear

Deletes all the tasks from the list Format: clear